Sher Khan Nashir

Sher Khan Nashir(Sher Mohammad Nashir) was an ethnic Pushtun, the hereditary Khan of the Kharoti (Ghilzai) tribe, governor of Kunduz and the rest of northern Afghanistan in 1930s.( Ludwing W. Adams, First Supplement of Who's Who of Afghanistan. Austria,1979, p.41). In the early 20th century, Sher Khan Nashir gained much political prominence as a Ghilzai Khan who became founder and governor of Kunduz. Through his efforts, Kunduz became one of the wealthiest Afghan provinces.Sher Khan Nashir was a successful industralist. When he founded Spinzar Cotton Company, it became the largest and most successful private enterprise in the country with more than 5000 full time employees. ( Louis Dupree. Afghanistan. Oxford University Press, USA, July 2002, p.474).The port between Russia and Afghanistan on the border with Tajikistan was named after him, Sher Khan Bandar As Sher khan Nashir's political prominence grew in the country, he challenged the throne of the then king, an act he had to pay for with his life.. He was followed by his nephew, Gholam Serwar Nasher, who headed the Spinzar Company. The company was nationalized in 1973 and Ghulam Sarwar Nashir, president of the company was put in prison.( Thomas j Barfield. The central Asian Arabs of Afghanistan. University of texas Press, Austin, January 1982, pp.29, 140).Other well known figures of Nashir's family include Ghulam Mayudeen Nashir known as loe khan ( The great khan), Ghulam Nabi Nashir, and Farhad Darya among others.
